Better times ahead

I am a creature of habit, and my year has some key events. One of these is Record Store Day, which would have been today but like many things has been postponed until later in the year. I think it’s June, but who knows. It’s a tiny thing amongst these once in a life time events, but of course I miss it.

That’s not to say that I’m not fully aware of what a fortunate position I find myself in, but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a pang of longing for what’s been kicked into touch, even temporarily. I’m missing gigs, and this may well be the longest I’ve gone without seeing a band. With Record Store Day it’s not so much about buying the records, whisper it - this wasn’t a vintage year anyway - it’s the event itself and meeting with my ‘crew’ (I’m so street) of the Steves, Mike and this year my bestest friend Matthew Hampton. We were going to mix it up a bit this year by trying out Tangled Parrot records in Carmarthen - which Mike rates - instead of our usual Diverse. There was even talk of going down the night before as Steve D has a place down there. What I miss is the expectation, the jokes, the shared references and just seeing my mates, but yes I am safe, well and happy. I am very grateful.

So yes, it’s not happening, but it will and tonight I’ll raise a glass to the better times ahead.

Darren Floyd