Art Magic
i sit in a cafe called The Vanilla Pod half way between Cardiff and Newport now that my enforced time of leisure has come to an end. One of the numerous benefits of having the luxury of spare time is that I got back to my studio and reconnected with my art. I did have to drag myself back and do a fair amount of cleaning up (which is basically just holding back the tide as it’s a right state already).
Part of my renewed enthusiasm for painting came from attending the David Nash exhibition currently on at Cardiff Museum. The exhibition is mainly wooden sculptures with material found around North Wales. I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed an exhibition so much. It has a very elemental, tactical element (there are numerous signs around telling people not to touch the sculptures) and works in harmony with the nature surroundings they find themselves in. Some look like they just grew like that. Sian really responded to the exhibition strongly.
I’ve also been beavering away at my own work and (this is going to sound terrible) found inspiration by seeing an old painting of mine. I suddenly remembered the process and brought it to bare on a current painting. This resulted in my favourite painting for a long time. I was determined to get something new for a mini exhibition I’m having at the end of this month at the Tiny Rebel bar in Cardiff. While Sian and I were having Capari and soda she pointed out that the huge painting I’d exhibited in London would look great in the space. I approached Tiny Rebel and they said yes (it’s nice to hear nice yes for a change). Now I just have to work out how to hang the bugger. So it’ll be some of my old work, and happy to say my most recent painting which I picked up from Davies Framing this Saturday. I’ve enlisted some longs suffering friends to help and it’ll be good to see my work on walls again