Tokyo Drift


My countdown to the Tokyo Marathon has begun in earnest. In just over a month - all being well - I’ll be standing on the start line. I say that because since December I have had a bad cold which knocked me off my feet during Christmas and this week I came off my bike. I was cycling down into Coopers Field when I slipped on some ice, my bike came from under me and I slid across the ground. I was dazed and a little winded. i had an impressive lump on my face about the size of a golf ball. My right leg was quite badly grazed and my chest muscles were hurt. I got up, put my chain back on and cycled off, at a much slower pace. I realise I was very lucky, and soon with the training ramping up i’ll just be too tired to do the morning cycle ride, that’ll probably be in the next fortnight.

It’s going to be a hectic few weeks for a number of reasons, and I’m looking forward to completing the sixth and final of the Six Major Marathons I’ve got left.

Darren Floyd