
It's been an odd year for my running habit. I don't seem to have been able to get my pace back. It's down to a few prosaic reasons.


The charger for my Garmin after ailing for awhile died and so I haven't been able to judge my pace or distance. I bought a new charger but it was the wrong size. Other than the Cardiff Half I'm not training for a race so there hasn't been an urgent need to know my stats so I've just been making an approximation of distance and speed. This could all change next month when I find out if I've got a place in next year's London marathon but for now I'm happy just to spin my wheels.

What's been a bigger pain in the ass is that in the last week I had a reoccurance of the calf injury I got at the start of the year. My own stupid fault. I punted in a few extra runs, and did the ParkRun for the first time in ages on Saturday in an effort to regain my pace. My calf had started to hurt in the week and that morning, but I thought 'Nah, it'll be fine, I'll run through it.' Big mistake. I I set off at a brisk pace, it felt comfortable although the calf was hurting but around three quauters of the way my calf really began to hurt to the extent that I had to stop and hobble back. First time ever I've not finished the ParkRun. 

The immediate impact was that I spent the next two days with an icepack on my leg and didn't go for my usual Big Run on the Sunday. I was pissed off but my fault. I suppose the good(ish) news is that it seems to be healing quicker than last time, so I may go out for a short clomp on Friday and hopefully I can reinstate my Big Run on Sunday. 

Darren Floyd