After the Gold Rush


There is a giddy excitment and expectation  about submitting to exhibitions which I love. The downside of course is picking your work up if it's been rejected, as was the case last Saturday. I found myself on the train going back up to Bath to pick my work up. The trip had the unexpected benefit of me bumping into three sets of mates, especially Captain Keef and Anna who I'd been meaning to get in touch with anyway, so it was good to have a catch up.

The Bath Open was a smaller scale version of the RA Open, and it did have a nice atmosphere. The volunteers asked if I wanted to look around the exhibition as I waited. I liked a lot of the work in the exhibition and I could sort of see why mine weren't picked and made a plan for next year. One of my fellow rejectees even offered to give me a lift back to the station which was very sweet.

So it wasn't all bad, and bar from having my arms dropping off carrying the paintings it was a nice journey.

Next stop: Boston.

Darren Floyd